Monday, January 25, 2016

The Mysterious Wall: A Story

Today, I'll be sharing one of my most favorite stories that I wrote:
The Mysterious Wall.
Disclaimer: It is fictional. Although it has me and one of my friends as characters, it is fictional.

Read the story below:

It was a chilly day yet again, and I was outside. I walked with my friend, Kaushik, and we talked about our annoying brothers, until we discovered a vine-covered stone wall. In the middle of the wall, we saw a locked wooden gate with a golden key hanging next to it.

          “This is strange!” I told Kaushik. “I’ve never seen this wall before!”

          “Yeah,” he said, interested. “I think if we climb the wall, we’ll reach treasure like Jack in the story,”

          “Don’t be silly!” I told him. “But I bet this is some kind of treasure hunt,”

          “Maybe it is a test to see if we can find the treasure. What are we waiting for?” He said excitedly.

          “Yeah, let’s go!” I said. I imagined what would be behind the wall, and what would happen when we unlocked the gate. I couldn’t help but think of those dreamy things- clouds, gold chests, rainbows, and toys. A world of magic!

          We used the golden key to unlock the gate, and it didn’t work. I looked down, and there was a note.

          This mystery is yours. What you find there is not yours. You must bring it back.

          “What’s this?” I asked.

          “A note. But who sent it?” We thought about it, and I picked up the note.

          “Kaushik, you were right!” I exclaimed suddenly. “This is a test to see if we can unlock the gate, and find the treasure. Then, we must bring it back. But to who?”

          “We will find out soon enough,” He said confidently.

          I picked up the golden key, and felt power rising in me. “Hey, let me have a turn,” Kaushik said. I gave him the key, and then something weird happened. We both turned into animals!
          Kaushik turned into a lion cub, and I turned into a rabbit. Kaushik’s paws were orange, and yellow. His body was orange. My body was white, and I had long, pink ears.

          “Hey Kaushik!” I tested out my voice to see if even my voice matched my animal, but our voice remained the same. He handed me the key, and I unlocked the gate. I hopped, and he walked behind me.

          “Hello! Welcome to the Magical Land of Everything-Anybody-Could-Ever-Have!” said a deep voice.

          I looked to my right, and there he was. It was a man with a hat. He was holding a stick, and he was speaking. “You have probably read the note. Ahead, you will find treasure, but you may not take it, but you must-“

          I cut him off. “We know,” I told him.

          “Okay, rabbit and cub,” and he waved his hand, and we moved forward.

          “He didn’t have to call us “rabbit” and “cub”.” Kaushik said.

          “But he doesn’t know our names,” I reminded Kaushik. “Maybe the note was left anonymously, and whoever found it has to go on this quest,” I said thoughtfully.

          “I don’t think so, Saanvi. I think it was meant for us,” He said seriously.

          “But wouldn’t it say our names then?” I asked.

          “Not necessarily,” He responded.

          “Otherwise, the key wouldn’t turn us into animals. When we just looked at it, it looked like an ordinary key for a mansion.” I tried to think.


          “Okay, okay, let’s move it!” I told him. I hopped, and we saw exactly what we had imagined- clouds, treasure chests, toys, and magical keys, and so many other things!
          “So, do we have to bring back everything? I mean, the note said to… maybe we don’t,”

          “Yeah, maybe. Let’s ask the man,” We both quickly zoomed off, and there the man was.

          “Back so soon?”
          “No, we had a question, Sir.” Kaushik told him. “We want to know if we need to bring back everything from here.”

          “Oh, you don’t need to call me Sir. You can call me Eugene; that is my name. Now, about the note. You will have to figure it out, rabbit and cub.”

          “Thank you, Sir,” I said, although that information wasn’t very helpful. And we went away.

          “I can’t believe we are still in this stupid place,” Kaushik said angrily.

          “Calm down,” I told him. “We have to finish this mission!”

          “How can I? Eugene hasn’t told us anything!” He calmed down, but he was a bit angry.

          “C’mon, we’re still animals. At least that’s fun!”

          “Maybe,” He said, not moved by my words.

          We hopped, and walked, and still saw those dreamy things, and then we saw a glowing light. “Let’s go see where the glowing light leads to,” I said.

          “Fine,” Kaushik grumbled. We followed the light, and saw special gems. “I think we need to bring these back.” I said.

          “I guess.” Kaushik said.

          “Thank you, Eugene!” We both smiled. We exited the land, and told him we would come back, as we were on our way to give these back. After we gave them back, we’d be back to ourselves. But not yet. We still have to return these gems.
© Copyright 2016. All rights reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced, copied, or pasted by any means.

So I hope you liked that story. Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed that story!

The Writer, Saanvi




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